- Sheltered Kiwi -
Year of Adam 5995 (2024 A.D.)*

Understanding Types

1 Intro to Types
3 Mount Sinai
4 Elijah & Baal


144 Jubilees
6000 Years
The Flood

The Tabernacle






Two Wisdoms
Ruling The Bride I
Ruling The Bride II

Apostate Church

Faith Vs Works
Anti-Christ Titles
Compelled Offerings
Saturday Or Sunday?
Doctrines Of Demons

*The start of the biblical year depends on the maturity of the barley and wheat crops in Israel, so it is impossible to predict the specific day, much less hour, in advance. God adjusts the weather and seasons as He wishes to achieve His desired result. Yet the seasons remain consistent and the start of the year is known within a two month window, usually in March or April.

A person given a terminal diagnosis views life a bit differently. The deadline may shift slightly one way or the other, but there is no doubt that priorities change. A person with a death sentence puts their house in order. They measure time a bit more carefully. They consider who and what they will leave behind. They wrestle with sorrow and grief. They make decisions about how to invest the time left. In short, they look at the world through other eyes.

Many will agree that "time is short." Some people can sense it; for others it is just what has been verbally and thoughtlessly assented for centuries. And they take comfort in that; it is just a meaningless phrase. Supposedly they are prepared for Jesus to come back any time, at least that's what they'll say. But their lives do not show the changes one would expect, in line with the one who has a terminal diagnosis. No...life goes on unchanged: eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, buying and selling, building and renovating.

But what if a date is given by God Himself through the scriptures? No, not a specified calendar day or hour on that day, but a close timespan smaller than most want to admit, just like that terminal diagnosis. What if "the end" most fear to face, is provably no longer far off in the distance but only years away? Do you want to know? Or do you just want to find out when it hits you?

Because that is the reality of it: whether we like it or not, the end is upon us. And we can either evaluate the evidence like men, or hide like cowards. We will stand before God and answer to Him regardless; willfull ignorance is no excuse. "No man knows the day or the hour..." Ah...but the year?

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Believe it now, more than ever.

How many times have you personally read your bible through, cover to cover? Even once? How many versions have you read, seeking greater understanding? How many contradictions have you discovered, and sought the Author for resolution to? How many days have you spent fasting, how many hours have you spent praying, seeking God's input on His Word? How many times has God answered?

Or have you just trusted men? Or you just leaned on your "good works" which mainly boils down to "going to church on Sunday?"

When one spends enough time in the scriptures, unexpected things start to emerge. Things not talked about on Sundays; things in fact avoided on Sundays. Things that make one uncomfortable, that make one start to question what has "always" been taught. God's truth has a way of upsetting our preconceptions. Especially our religious traditions.

This website isn't for cowards. It isn't for those who prefer tradition over truth. This website is for those who want to be armed and ready for what is coming. And it isn't for the lazy, either: it will take a bit of effort to work through the tedious details.

Consider what Sir Isaac Newton had to say several hundred years ago, and ask yourself why this isn't common knowledge anymore:

"The passing away of the old heaven and earth and creating a new one is the renovation regeneration or restitution of the world which the heathens taught to be at the end of their Annus Magnus, the Jews and ancient Christians at the end of the sixth Millenary of the years of the world, and Christ and Peter at the second coming of Christ...This restitution is therefore the mystery of God to be finished in the days of the voice of the seventh Trumpet when he shall begin to sound..."

The scriptures prove that six millennia are nearly complete, the seventh and final millennium is nearly upon us. In fact, it is now less than five years away. This isn't opinion or guesswork, it is mathematical fact easily arrived at by sifting God's words. The seventh millennium is the millennial sabbath to which the weekly shadow points. It is the reign of Jesus Christ from Jerusalem, one long day in light for those in His Kingdom, and one long night in comparative shadow for those outside. And yes...it starts less than five years away. So that "seven year tribulation" theory is either wrong, or you've been left behind. Which is it? As I said, this is not for cowards but for those willing to deal with reality and adjust their outlook and lives accordingly.

The account of the giving of the law to Moses on Mount Sinai, that isn't just a Sunday School story. And it isn't just history, either. It is a prophetic foreshadowing which communicates where, when, and how Jesus will return to the other Mount of God, Zion. No, not to the day or hour. And there are many, many such shadows in the scripture which confirm the understanding that even Isaac Newton understood all those years ago. You missed out understanding, because you read with blind eyes. Ask God for sight.

They didn't teach you these things in church? Why not? Do your teachers not know? If not, why are they teaching? No, worse: your teachers scoff and militate against the truth. And worse yet: you allow it, you prefer it, because you prefer to sleep in comfort. Well, it is time to wake up, before it is too late. Do you love the truth, or the lie? Liars have no place in the Kingdom.

The tabernacle that Moses built so carefully, under God's instruction to not depart from the pattern he was shown, is not just a tent. Go read its description again. Note its dimensions, the detail in its construction, and ask yourself why God saw fit to record it. Do you know why? One reason is because God marked out history in its design. A record that no one thought to distort, because they never imagined God's wisdom in doing it. So that we could know with confidence what history is true, and what history is false. And know where we are IN that history.

May God give sight and hearing to all true seekers of righteousness. Time is short; what are your priorities?

The First Millennium: Day One

The Second Millennium: Day Two

The Third Millennium: Day Three

The Fourth Millennium: Day Four

"And this one thing let not be unobserved by you, beloved, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day; the Lord is not slow in regard to the promise, as certain count slowness, but is long-suffering to us, not counselling any to be lost but all to pass on to reformation, and it will come - the day of the Lord - as a thief in the night, in which the heavens with a rushing noise will pass away, and the elements with burning heat be dissolved, and earth and the works in it shall be burnt up. All these, then, being dissolved, what kind of persons doth it behove you to be in holy behaviours and pious acts? waiting for and hasting to the presence of the day of God, by which the heavens, being on fire, shall be dissolved, and the elements with burning heat shall melt; and for new heavens and a new earth according to His promise we do wait, in which righteousness doth dwell;" (2Pe 3:8-13)



Bible Chronology

1 Day
2 Weeks & Millennia
3 Adam to Jacob
4 Jacob to Solomon's Temple
5 Generations & Jubilees
6 Ezekiel's 430 Years

Rise of the Beast

1 The False Regathering
2 Apollyon Revived
3 Nebuchadnezzar's Madness
4 The Maccabaeans
5 Herod The Great
6 The Herodian Dynasty

The Mark Of The Beast

1 Signs Of The Times
2 Space Invaders
3 Transcendence
4 The Scriptures
5 Covid
6 Global ID
7 Choose Now

The Return Of The King

1 The Rapture
2 The Second Coming
3 The Day Of The Lord
4 God Of Fire
5 The True Regathering


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