- Sheltered Kiwi -

Understanding Types

1 Intro to Types
3 Mount Sinai
4 Elijah & Baal


144 Jubilees
6000 Years
The Flood

The Tabernacle






Two Wisdoms
Ruling The Bride I
Ruling The Bride II

Apostate Church

Faith Vs Works
Anti-Christ Titles
Compelled Offerings
Saturday Or Sunday?
Doctrines Of Demons

Frequently Asked Questions

What denomination are you?

No denomination. Most if not all churches are denominational even if claiming otherwise, and evidence it by distinguishing doctrines, names, and marketing. A denomination is a sect. A sect is a schism. A schism is a heresy. There is only one Way, one Spirit, one Saviour, one baptism; Christ is not divided. If we are not to follow Paul, Apollos, Peter (see 1 Corinthians 1), then neither are we to follow John Calvin, Martin Luther, John Wesley, Ellen White, the Pope, or any other of a host who have either made themselves or posthumously been made leaders of sects. This is not a matter of man's opinion: it is a biblical command of God to cease from the sin of sectarianism. The existence of these sects proves their source in the divided kingdom of Satan rather than the one kingdom of God. God's Kingdom is not divided against itself.

Also, boxes are for dead people. We are alive. Putting living people in dead people's boxes by judging them according to a misguided experience of Christianity, is wrong.

What church do you go to?

We attend no church, rather spending time with Christians personally. Nor is the phrase scriptural. The scriptures and the Spirit teach that the Assembly is a community of the children of God born of His Spirit, not a religious association or club. Where two or more with the Spirit of Jesus meet in His name, He is there; His Spirit is not confined to four walls of a building. And those who teach this truth in the confines of the gentile or Jewish 'synagogues' soon find prophecy fulfilled in their forcible ejection as troublemakers. Jesus gave one command and that was to love one another; what happens inside the four walls of a religious building seldom provides opportunity to obey the command. Real life together, on the other hand, does.

In these last days of apostasy, many churches are led by wolves who crept in, dressed in sheeps' clothing, teaching adultery in word and example. It is dangerous to expose our weak and innocent to the deception present there; and so we have found it safer to avoid attendance altogether. On occasion we may visit a 'service' to 'check the pulse', but this is on God's instruction.

What about 'forsake not assembling yourselves together'?

"Assembling yourselves together" is not "attending a religious service once a week at the synagogue of your choice."

"Assembling yourselves together" is the active positioning of your entire life for proximity with other believers on a daily basis in whatever location, whether in each other's homes, at the grocery store, or at the local park. All of the scriptural examples prove a focus on daily interaction and not even of a 'religious' nature. God's family members recognize that 'loving one another' in the way that Christ loved us simply cannot even begin expression in a religious service, but requires daily interaction in every day circumstances. Not 'meetings' but as Jesus said: "Two or more gathered..." And this we find most church attenders are unwilling to do.

So we affirm the command. And we deny that weekly attendance fufills the command.

Well, what about worship, then?

What do you mean by 'worship'? Do you mean getting together and singing songs that make you feel good and pump you up? Please read your bible to see how God defines worship...it isn't what you think! Worship is nothing if not submitting your will to God's will, and that requires humility and evidences as obedience to His commands. His primary command is to love one another in deeds and not words alone.

Why the focus on prophecy and the timing of Jesus' return? This seems unbalanced.

Because we are servants not masters. This is what God has laid on us to search out, and this is what God has given in response to that searching. The nearness of the Kingdom of God has always been part of the Good News, and whereas in the past that nearness was spiritual, it will soon also be physical.

Due to the lateness of the hour, this means that many impostors have come and that the last great impostor is on the horizon. The Body of Christ is well-armed to see that God has been faithful in carrying out His plans in the past and thus dependable to do so in the future. We find this encouraging and hope to encourage others in it. As the last generation, in fact the last decade before His return, we have need of patience...to wait His appearing and not grasp the promises in our own power and might. Every battle should be fought where the enemy is, not where the enemy isn't...and the enemy is fighting on this ground, today. Here we stand.

Do you have a statement of faith?

No. We do not believe the scriptures of God can be reduced to a litmus test of articles. Also, churchianity has developed a religious language with private meanings of words which too often no longer align with God's meaning as used throughout the whole bible and by His Spirit. When a person's meaning is in doubt, be they man or God, it is best to ask them personally for explanation. That requires relationship.



Bible Chronology

1 Day
2 Weeks & Millennia
3 Adam to Jacob
4 Jacob to Solomon's Temple
5 Generations & Jubilees
6 Ezekiel's 430 Years

Rise of the Beast

1 The False Regathering
2 Apollyon Revived
3 Nebuchadnezzar's Madness
4 The Maccabaeans
5 Herod The Great
6 The Herodian Dynasty

The Mark Of The Beast

1 Signs Of The Times
2 Space Invaders
3 Transcendence
4 The Scriptures
5 Covid
6 Global ID
7 Choose Now

The Return Of The King

1 The Rapture
2 The Second Coming
3 The Day Of The Lord
4 God Of Fire
5 The True Regathering


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